Today is April Fool’s day, and our song comes from my “Wha’d’ya Wanna Do?” album. It’s called DON’T TRICK YOUR DAD. Most kids love to trick or fool the adults around them, because when they know something that the adult doesn’t know, they feel powerful! Adults usually have more power and information than kids, so when kids can reverse the roles on them, they’re delighted! Some homes and parents feel safer than others, because they allow the open expression of our full range of feelings. Like every other social skill we acquire, we need to figure out what works and what doesn’t work, and then practice! When we play a joke on someone, every situation is different, and needs to be looked at from each person’s point of view, right? We all know grown-ups who still haven’t learned that skill! Jokes and tricks can be playful and fun, as long as there are no victims, which means that everyone feels included and no one feels excluded. I used to love April Fool’s Day jokes, but now I don’t think they’re funny. First, I get someone to trust me, … and then I play a trick on them. Jokes are like that are scary and mean, even if we all laugh. It’s just not funny when somebody ends up feeling victimized and left out. It's always helpful to make sure others don’t feel unsafe with us.
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Don’t Trick Your Dad