Today's 'Song To Chew', SANDWICHES, was written by Bob King. One of the subjects that kids love to sing about is food!! We'll 'chew on' ideas about kids and food and the interconnectedness of all the human things we do in our lives. There's 'enjoyment' and 'sharing'. There's 'mooching', which is trying to get something that someone else has, but not wanting to 'share' what we have. 'Mooching' is like a 'one way street' where everything on the road is coming in our direction, and real 'sharing' is like a two-way street where traffic goes in both directions. We find 'anger', 'resentment', and 'bartering' in this song too, and we explore 'expectations' and 'boundary setting'. Little songs like this can be powerful 'teaching tools' that can create great "A-ha!" moments of clarity for us. We have to we pay attention and be willing to 'tease it out' and 'chew on it' in order to benefit from these little bits of wisdom. I’m Peter Alsop. I’ll be back soon with another ‘Song to Chew’. Bye for now!
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