Our SONG TO CHEW this week is US KIDS BRUSH OUR TEETH from my 'Stayin' Over' album. A four-year-old doesn't brush their teeth just to get them clean! That's what adults do! Kids have a completely different agenda! If we get upset with our kids for "not acting like adults", we miss the delight and playfulness of how our children brush their teeth. It's called "appreciating diversity!" They'll be adults soon enough. Through them, we have an opportunity to see the world with new eyes. Most parents forget the 'kid toothbrushing ritual', as soon as we pass into our teenage years! When little kids brush their teeth, they find ways to make it playful! The philosophical take-away is that each of us has our own pathway; our own rituals and our life-time minutes to use the way we want! Parents have that choice too! We can get upset, or ask ourselves, "is it really important for me to stop this little person from doing what they're doing right now, and make them do it MY way?" As the singer says, "I'm still just a kid! Bein' slow's not that bad, so please listen a minute before you get mad!" Hopefully adults listen, and back off enough to enjoy their child's playfulness. I’m Peter Alsop. I’ll be back again next week with another ‘Song to Chew’. Bye for now!
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