WAS ST. PAT SCARED? Let's listen to our "Song To Chew" for today and find out! This song's from my “Grow It At Home” album, to help us understand how we humans have taken over most of the world by eliminating any other creatures that threaten us or our expansion. The Irish myth about St. Patrick, 'ridding Ireland of all the snakes' is a wonderful place to start this discussion. It's 'fear' that drives us to completely wipe out some other living species, rather than finding some way to share space with them. Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, was a real person who lived in the 5th century. He came to Ireland to proselytize for Christianity. One of the biggest myths in his 'story', is that he drove all the snakes out of Ireland and into the sea. The fact is that there never were any snakes in Ireland for St. Patrick to banish! The event that banished any snakes that might have been in Ireland, was the Ice Age that ended 10,000 years ago. When children hear this myth, they ask, "Did he have to get rid of ALL the snakes?" The storyline is a familiar one, so let's listen to the song, and we'll 'chew on it', and see if we can figure out some less violent ways to behave when we're afraid, because as the song says, "we can crush all the spiders with books, y'know, but killing them's kind of a crime. Cause all life is sacred!" If we don't recognize that we need to take of this 'Garden of Eden', we don't get to stay! I’m Peter Alsop. Subscribe, listen to the podcast, and I’ll be back next week with another ‘Song to Chew’. Bye for now!
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