This week our SONG TO CHEW is "WHAT IF?" When we don't understand what's going on around us, we create stories to explain what might be going on! And that's when our over-active imaginations take off and amplify our worst fears. This process can stop us in our tracks and make things worse! So, this song takes a look at how we can change our stories, and our reactions, and learn how to 'respond' instead of 'react'. Most of us don't like to admit that we're scared, (especially us men and boys), but the stories we tell ourselves about what's going on, are often much more frightening than the reality of the situation! So how do we stop feeling frightened? Instead of dwelling on our fears, we can lighten things up with some humor to help us get through what's going on. It's true! The stories that scare us, or disempower us, or push our 'buttons', can be changed! We can actually learn to pause, look at what's going on around us, and then respond in a more balanced way. When my brain is full of fear, I'm not thinking straight, but if I can think of silly or ridiculous things to inject into my story, I make myself laugh, and that simple change helps me see options that I never would have seen, if I'd stayed locked in my fears! And it's something we can practice doing! Just because something's serious, doesn't mean it's not funny! I’m Peter Alsop. Please let your friends know about this podcast, and I’ll see you again next week with another ‘Song to Chew’.
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